Frequently asked questions

Where will the funds go?

You can choose where your funds go. You can support our unrestricted fund, For Mansfield. Forever or one of our three pillars, People, Place and Culture. You can read more about these on our homepage or at

Is my payment secure?

Yes. All payments through the website will be securely processed by Stripe and Stripe US.

Why is my payment not going through?

Please check that you have included your postcode in both the address field and the card details field of the gift form. If there is still a problem you may have to contact your card provider and inform them that the payment is valid. For any queries please contact us at

Can I see my gift on this website?

Yes! If you’ve chosen not to make your gift anonymous, you can take a look at the donor wall to see your name.

Is there another way to donate to you other than online?

Yes, you can contact us at and we’ll be delighted to help you make your gift.

I set up a recurring payment, what will show in the totaliser?

Yes, the total of your direct debit payments for the duration of time selected will show up in the total raised on the website.

I still have questions. How can I get in touch?

Feel free to email us at

Is there a minimum donation?

Yes, there is a £5 minimum donation.

How can I give my gift?

By mail at or by using this website.

Question about tax-deductibility or gift aid

Please visit our website for full details about tax-deductible giving.